Interested in applying for a pre-suit cash advance? Contact Fast Funds today to get started. In the meantime, read this helpful information on what you need to know about pre-suit cash advances. Applying for a Pre-Suit Cash Advance Fast Funds provides pre-suit cash funding for claimants who are involved in pending claims. We offer fast […]
In this article, we will discuss the difference between loans vs. non-recourse cash advances. If you are in a personal injury lawsuit and are interested in receiving litigation financing, please contact Fast Funds today. We are here to help you financially in your time of need. Loans vs. Non-Recourse Cash Advances | What’s the Difference? […]
If you are interested in applying for a lawsuit cash advance, there are a few things to know about pre-settlement funding before you begin. At Fast Funds, we will guide you every step of the way and make sure the process is handled in a simple and efficient manner. Things to Know About Pre-Settlement Funding […]
A lawsuit cash advance is a relatively new concept for many. If you are reading this page, you probably have a few questions about litigation funding. This article should help provide some answers, after which you can call Fast Funds to learn more information. Questions About Litigation Funding | What Is It? drunk driver was […]
Cash Advances for Construction Accidents | Third-Party Lawsuits Regardless of the details of most cases, you will be offered worker’s compensation for your injuries on the construction site. However, that is not the only avenue of financial relief for some people. If there was blatant negligence involved with the contractors or property owners, you could pursue a […]
The concept of an advance for your personal injury claim may be unfamiliar to some, but it is easy to grasp and also very helpful in the long run. In this article, we explain the basics of lawsuit cash advances. If you are interested, please call us today or contact us through our website. We […]
A bicycle accident can leave you with serious injuries and steep medical bills. If you are seeking compensation and are unable to work, how can you be expected to pay attorney fees for a personal injury claim? That is where we can help. Contact Fast Funds today to see if you qualify for a bike […]
Many people who have been injured in an accident are left unable to work for a long period of time, which is why filing a lawsuit may seem like a daunting task, especially on top of all your medical bills. There are many benefits of a lawsuit cash advance, and it is very easy to […]