Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding / Attorney Not Cooperating with Funding
Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding / Attorney Not Cooperating with Funding

Attorney Not Cooperating with Funding

Is your personal injury attorney not cooperating with funding a lawsuit a cash advance? Watch this video for important advice.


What if my attorney is not cooperating with my lawsuit funding request?


Attorney Not Cooperating with FundingWe had a seriously injured person call us yesterday and ask us what they can do if their attorney is not willing to cooperate by sending us information or signing the agreement for a lawsuit cash advance. It’s very simple: we can’t help you if your attorney is not onboard. The first thing that needs to happen is that you need to authorize your attorney to speak with us before we can contact them to get information from the file. If they’re not willing to do so, then, unfortunately, we cannot help you.

Are you or a loved one involved in a personal injury lawsuit and want to know what should be done if your attorney is not signing off on a cash advance? Contact us for a free consultation. Like Us on Facebook