Pre-Suit Cash Advances
Fast Funds provides pre-suit cash funding for claimants who are involved in pending claims. We offer fast and confidential services and have helped thousands of individuals nationwide wade through the legal process. With more than seven years of experience in the pre-suit cash funding industry, we can provide some advances within 24 hours of application acceptance! If you are seriously injured and working with an attorney on your case, we may be able to help you.
Our pre-suit cash funding program is really quite simple. The program is designed to help you during your pending claim so that you can get the settlement you deserve. A Fast Funds cash advance is not a loan. Loans require credit checks, employment verification, and sometimes application fees–we do not. Unlike traditional loans, our cash advances do not require interest to be paid or repayment regardless of the outcome of your case. With our cash advance funding program, if you lose your case for any reason and do not recover anything, neither do we. You owe us nothing as the advance is non-recourse. We take all of the risk. We are simply purchasing a very small portion of your anticipated proceeds. Many times, pre-suit cash funding has enabled plaintiffs to hold out for larger settlements, giving their attorneys time to get the best and largest possible recovery. With a cash advance from us, you will not be forced to take the first low offer that comes along because of the financial pressure you are under. For more information on how we can help you, contact us today .