Fast Funds provides lawsuit financing to attorneys who have exhausted all other financial resources while awaiting a fair settlement. Our lawsuit financing program is designed to provide you with the time you need to hold off on an early settlement and make it to the finish line. Do not settle for less than you should just because you need some cash today; let us help!
How Our Lawsuit Financing Works
Here at Fast Funds, we make lawsuit financing fast and convenient for you! After you provide us with a brief application, we review the case to determine the case’s chance for success. Our ability to evaluate each case for probable success comes from years of experience in personal injury law. Our staff has over 40 years of legal experience as attorneys and in the non-recourse financing business. If the case meets our criteria, we then offer you an attractive lawsuit financing option based on the potential settlement. We simply “buy” a very small percentage of the settlement. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not charge interest on the advance, nor any other fees. There are no due dates or monthly payments as well. You simply repay us when the claim is settled or won.
Get The Funds You Need To Win!
The money we advance is on a non-recourse basis, which means if you do not win or settle the case, we do not even have to be paid back. We remove the burden of searching for money to complete and develop personal injury cases. As a premier provider of lawsuit financing, we are even equipped to provide funding within 24 hours of application acceptance.