Slip and Fall Cash Advances
Slip and fall cases can be absolutely frustrating. You have been unexpectedly injured and it is negatively impacting your life. If you have medical bills coming in and have had to miss time from work, you most likely are experiencing a financial burden. Fast Funds is here to help slip and fall victims with an immediate cash advance that will allow them to keep their head above water. If you are injured and have a slip and fall claim, you can apply for one of our slip and fall cash advances. This money exists to help you provide for yourself following the accident. It is support for the hardship you may be under. Fast Funds does not expect you to pay this money back if you do not win your case. It is only required to repay us if you win your slip and fall claim. Other than that, you have no obligation to do so.
Slip and falls happen when the owner of the property you are on does not keep up with the maintenance of their property. They have a duty to you to keep their property safe and free of hazards. When they fail to do so, they become liable for any injury that happens to anyone who goes on their property. It is very unfortunate that a slip and fall can result in an injury that could affect someone’s life in many ways. With a lack of income from missed work and an added expense of medical treatment, it is not surprising that you would find yourself under some serious financial duress. The list can continue and if you are injured and there is a liable party other than yourself, you can bring a slip and fall claim. You can then also ask Fast Funds for a cash advance to ensure you have the best shot at max compensation.
Qualifying for Our Slip and Fall Cash Advances
There are many different reasons why someone would be injured in a slip and fall. There are several common causes of these accidents that involve the negligence of someone who should have been preventing these exact types of accidents. The way it works for your case is that the more obvious the slip or tripping hazard is to the property owner, the more likely you are to win the case and get the compensation you deserve. Slip and falls commonly happen when:- There is a broken or badly built staircase
- There is a defect in the sidewalk
- The materials used on a property were not good enough
- There was a violation of building codes
- An area was poorly maintained
How Fast Funds Can Get You a Bigger Settlement
The ensure that your case is going to be as strong as possible, you need to make sure you are hiring a very experienced slip and fall attorney who works on a contingency basis. It makes it near impossible to get the most out of your case if you are not properly represented or you have decided to represent yourself. It is also highly beneficial to hire an attorney because when you do, you are then qualified to get a cash advance from Fast Funds. That is really the only requirement to apply for one of our slip and fall cash advances for your medical bills, lost wages, rent, groceries, and any other daily expense you may be struggling with. It is very common, regardless of how grossly negligent a property manager had been, that they will deny that they had anything to do with you getting hurt. They know that if they put up a fight with their insurance company by their side, it could draw out the case and potentially last for years. This waiting could make it hard for you to keep up with your finances, and they know that. When you have a cash advance from Fast Funds, you are no longer under their thumb and you get to be patient and wait until you have the best possible settlement to agree upon.Frequently Asked Slip and Fall Questions
How do I apply for lawsuit funding?
We received a call yesterday from a client who had no idea that this type of funding existed, and he asked, “How do I apply?” I simply told him we take your application over the phone, and once we know that the attorney is authorized to speak with us, we will contact them to try to get the information from the file. Once reviewed, we’ll give you a call back and let you know if we can help you. If it’s a yes, we’ll communicate an offer at that point.
What information do I need for a lawsuit cash advance? A person is driving down the street, texting and driving and it’s too late before they plow into somebody that’s stopped at a red light. That person calls us and wants to know how they can get pre-settlement financing and what information is necessary to do so. In order to get pre-settlement financing, first thing you need to do is contact your attorney, let them know, and authorize them to speak with us. At that point, we will request the necessary information and then be able to make a decision to see if we can help you. There is a tons of different information that we look for, but not all of it may be there at the same time. Call our office today and we can give you some more information as to how to get started to see if we can help you.
Can I get a lawsuit cash advance today?
I got a call from a lady who was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, and she wanted to know if she could get financing on her claim that same day. I explained that it typically it takes between 24 and 48 hours for us to properly evaluate the case and get money into her hands. If you have a question about lawsuit cash advance and how long it would talk for you to get your money, please give us a call.
How soon can I request a lawsuit cash advance?
I got a call from someone whose husband was in a very bad motorcycle accident. He was going to be out of work for six to eight weeks and would require several surgical procedures to repair the damage done to his leg. His wife was really concerned that they would not be able to manage their bills throughout the time in which her husband was recovering. Her question was, if her husband was injured last week, would they qualify for a lawsuit cash advance? It depends on the amount of information and documentation the attorney’s been able to put together on his claim. If the attorney has the documentation necessary for us to review, then, yes, we can move forward with a lawsuit cash advance.
Can I get a lawsuit cash advance in my state?
Let’s say a young lady is driving down the street texting and not paying attention when she broadsides a man riding a motorcycle. He’s seriously injured and now facing major surgical procedures. His wife contacts us and asks us if funding is available in Florida. We can help her in Florida, but that’s not always the case in every state. Some states have regulations and do not permit this type of financing. If you’d like to find out if we can help you in your state, please give us a call.
How do I apply for a lawsuit cash advance?
I was contacted by a gentleman who was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident. While riding his motorcycle, he was struck by an Uber. He had been out of work for several months and his bills were mounting. He had no idea how he was going to pay them while he was waiting for his claim to settle. When he contacted us, he asked how he could apply for a lawsuit cash advance through Fast Funds. I suggested three methods. He could fill out our online application, ask his attorney to contact us directly, or give us the information on the phone and we would move forward with processing his application.
Can I apply for an advance over the phone?
We have seen a situation where a woman is driving down the road and decides to make right-hand turn without looking in her right-view mirror. In doing so, she plows into our client who’s riding her bike and seriously injures her, putting her in the hospital. That client of ours had several pending surgeries and a long road of recovery. She wanted to know from us if she could apply for pre-settlement funding over the phone. I took her application right then and there. The answer is yes, we can take your application over the phone, via email, or if you want, you can have your attorney contact us directly.
Do I need to apply in person for a cash advance?
A client called yesterday to find out if he can come to our office to apply. I explained to him that it’s not necessary to come to our office. We can take your application over the phone, and then contact the attorney to receive the information from the file.
Do I need an attorney for a lawsuit cash advance?
Our client was injured because a store employee who was mopping up the mess in one of the aisles that had a lot of liquid in it, but they neglected to put down signage or warn any customers that there’s a slippery surface in their store. Our client went down that aisle, slipped and fell, seriously injured their lower back, and needed an attorney. She wanted to know if she could get financing and if she would need an attorney to get it. If you are in search of an attorney, we can help you and help provide you with a list of attorneys that are qualified. One of the important things to remember when choosing an attorney is making sure that they’re a personal injury attorney and they also have trial experience. If you need some help finding an attorney or need more information, please contact our offices.
Can I get an advance if I just hired my attorney?
I got a call from a gentleman who was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident. His motorcycle was struck by an Uber and he was wondering if he could get a lawsuit cash advance after just hiring his attorney this week. I explained to him that sometimes it takes a few days for the attorney to get the information that we need to review so we could decide if we can provide funding or not. If you want to know if you can get funding on a lawsuit cash advance, give us a call.
Should I tell my attorney about my lawsuit cash advance?
Our client who was hit by a driver on their phone, called from the hospital bed. He had been seriously injured and needed a cash advance. The first question he asked me was, “Does my attorney need to know that I need a cash advance?” The answer is yes. Your attorney not only needs to know what you’re doing, he also needs to be authorized to release information and speak with us about your case. Once you’ve done so, contact our office and we will then contact the attorney.
What happens with the advance if I change my attorney?
A man was seriously injured when he was walking down the street. He tripped and fell over a hole that was left open from a construction company with no signage and no blocking of the hole. He was represented by an attorney, and for some reason, his attorney dropped him. He called us and asked what he could do now. There are several things that happen. First of all, we need to be notified right way. Secondly, we will help you find another attorney if you are still pursuing your claim. Lastly, we need to make sure that the new attorney is aware of our lien in your case.
What if my attorney is not cooperating with my lawsuit funding request?
We had a seriously injured person call us yesterday and ask us what they can do if their attorney is not willing to cooperate by sending us information or signing the agreement for a lawsuit cash advance. It’s very simple: we can’t help you if your attorney is not onboard. The first thing that needs to happen is that you need to authorize your attorney to speak with us before we can contact them to get information from the file. If they’re not willing to do so, then, unfortunately, we cannot help you.
Do I need any documents to get a cash advance?
I got a call from a lady who slipped and fell in a grocery store while shopping with her children. She was a single mother of three, and was wondering now that she’s hurt and waiting for her surgical procedure, how she was going to pay her bills. Her question to me was, “What documentation will be necessary to qualify for a lawsuit cash advance?” I told her not to worry about those things, and that her attorney would provide the documentation necessary for us to review her claim.
Do I need to undergo an MRI to qualify for a cash advance?
We received a call from a client yesterday who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and hurt their lower back because of it. They asked if they can get a cash advance, even though they hadn’t had an MRI yet. We do require some testing, whether it’s imaging, MRIs or doctor’s reports, before we make a decision on how much we can fund a client.
Do I need to be employed to apply for a lawsuit cash advance?
A client called yesterday to find out if he can come to our office to apply. I explained to him that it’s not necessary to come to our office. We can take your application over the phone, and then contact the attorney to receive the information from the file.
What paperwork is involved with a lawsuit cash advance?
A college student pulls an all-nighter and when he gets in his car after the test, he starts to fall asleep on his way home. He runs into my client, who was stopped at a red light. Our client is seriously injured, and calls us for funding. They ask, “What kind of paperwork do you need for me to get a cash advance?” I explain to the client that once we are authorized to speak with the attorney, we request a police report, any kind of medical information as far as the treatment, the insurance information, and possibly anything else that has to do with the litigation of the case. There’s a lot of other paperwork involved, but those are the main components of what we require to be able to process an advance. If you think you have a case and you need a cash advance, please call our office.
Do I have to sign anything in order to get a cash advance?
A man was driving down the road, not paying attention, and ran into a car that was stopped at a red light. That person got seriously injured, called us for a cash advance, and wanted to know what they need to sign, if anything at all. There is paperwork involved. Besides our reviewing of the paperwork, we have to put out an agreement where the client needs to initial every page, several pages need to have a signature, and the signature needs to be notarized. The attorney also has to sign a page. Once all the signatures have been obtained, we fund the client.
How many times can I get a lawsuit cash advance?
Our client, shopping one day, slipped and fell on a puddle and hurt her shoulder and needed surgery to repair her torn rotator cuff. She called our offices and asked for a cash advance, which we kindly provided to her. A few months later, she found out that she also has a lower back injury. She still needs to have more treatment, another possible surgery, and still cannot work. She calls us again to see if we can give her a second advance.
Sometimes the case warrants us doing more than one advance; sometimes we cannot do anymore based on relative value of the case, and we encourage the client to not seek anymore funds on that particular type of case. It’s on a case-by-case basis if there are going to be more funds available to a client to have more than one advance. They should always contact their attorney and get advice from them first before contacting us to see if they can get a second advance from us.