Case Cost Funding
FastFunds provides case cost funding for attorneys. This is funding that is available for an attorney representing a plaintiff. If this is something you are looking for, please give us a call as soon as possible to talk about getting started. Why Attorneys Choose to Utilize Case Cost Funding When you take a claim on a contingency fee, you are putting an extraordinary amount of time, energy and money into a plaintiff’s case. You cannot guarantee that it will be successful, which means you may not get paid for this effort. You are a great attorney, but you may want some assurance that you have cash influx. You very well know that not only is it not guaranteed that you will have a successful case, it is also not going to be a quick process. You spend all this time not knowing if you’re going to get paid. Some cases take years to resolve. While you’re working on a claim, you are spending money making the whole process happen. FastFunds can help with this period between taking on the case and winning the case. Not Being Bound by the Settlement You are a business, whether you are in a large or small firm. You need to have cash influx to survive as a business. It can be difficult to afford this business, if you are waiting for a settlement to make money. Without your fees, you may have trouble marketing yourself, finding new cases or even just keeping the business floating. There are several types of funding you can get to help your business. It can be tailored to fit a small firm or a large firm. You can flourish, even while you’re waiting to get a settlement. Funding can help with all of the costs that go into making a firm successful, such as expert witnesses, discovery, marketing, office leases and more. Can I Get Funding with FastFunds? There are four types of funding available to an attorney:
- pre-settlement
- post-settlement
- voucher (available only for state hired attorneys)
- attorney lines of credit (similar to a bank loan but customizable)