Litigation and Pre-Settlement Funding
Watch this video to learn about the differences between litigation and pre-settlement funding to see which option is best for you. Call our office for a free review.Question:
What are the differences between litigation and pre-settlement funding?Answer:
A guy was driving down the road in the outside lane and decided he needed to make a left-hand turn and cut in front of our client, causing our client to veer and hit the guardrail. Both cars ended up in the accident, and that other driver got the ticket for causing the accident. Our client was really injured and needed to know if there was a difference between pre-settlement funding and lawsuit funding. Generally speaking, there is no difference between the two. Lawsuit funding can be anything from a motor vehicle accident to a slip and fall. Pre-settlement funding just means that you have a lawsuit pending, so they’re one in the same. Call our office today if you are unsure of these terms or if you need more information.
Are you or a loved one involved in a personal injury lawsuit and have questions about litigation and pre-settlement funding? Contact us for a free consultation or apply for pre-settlement funding online. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel