Litigation Funding Process

Litigation Funding Process

Litigation Funding ProcessAre you having difficulties with your personal injury case and have questions about our litigation funding process? At Fast Funds, our funding program is the simplest and fairest in the non-recourse funding industry. Unlike other companies, we have no upfront fees. We do not charge interest on the amount advanced, no matter how long it takes for the case to resolve. We simply purchase a very small portion of the anticipated proceeds of recovery. This way, we take the risk of losing our money because if the case is lost, you’ve had our money to use and you owe us nothing. In other words, our agreement with you is similar to that of your attorney’s.

Our profits do not impact in any manner on your attorney’s fees. We do not exercise any control over how the lawsuit is handled or managed. We require no credit applications.

Litigation Funding Process | How to Apply

We have no application fees. To get started, you can fill out our lawsuit cash advance application or call us at 855-576-2618. Or, to get things rolling even faster, fill out our on-line litigation funding application page. After we receive your information, we will ask you to tell your attorney that he has your permission to discuss your case with us. We will ask the attorney to send us certain documents so we can verify the incident, the injuries and insurance coverage.

Litigation Funding Process | Receiving the Money

Once we receive everything and it is reviewed by our staff, we will get back to you immediately. We work very quickly, so the time it takes to provide you with money depends upon how fast we receive documents from the attorney. When we call you, we will make you an offer based upon the amount you require and our estimated value of your case. If you agree, we will immediately send a contract for your signature. Once we receive back a faxed copy of the signed contract, we will send you money by mail, Federal Express, DHL or direct wire transfer to your bank account. It’s that easy! So, why wait?

Contact Fast Funds today to apply for litigation funding. Watch our educational YouTube videos to learn more information about how we can help.