Category Archives: Personal Injury

Apply for a Bicycle Accident Cash Advance

Apply for a Bicycle Accident Cash Advance

We’ve seen it too many times: a cyclist struck by a vehicle is now left with expensive medical bills. They deserve compensation for their injuries but can’t afford an experienced lawyer to handle their case. What’s the solution? At Fast Funds, we provide cash advances to injured plaintiffs to fund their personal injury cases. No […]

Cash Advances for Premises Liability Cases

Cash Advances for Premises Liability Cases

Cash advances for premises liability cases help to ensure that businesses or individuals whose negligent actions cause injuries to others do not get away with low settlement offers. Claimants are entitled to wait for a settlement offer that holds the responsible party fully accountable. The problem is that, in some instances, claimants are financially pressed […]

Lawsuit Funding for a Bus Accident

Lawsuit Funding for a Bus Accident

Bus accidents have the potential to cause some serious harm to those affected. Because of the nature of these injuries, your medical bills could outweigh the amount of money you have to bring forward a lawsuit. That is where Fast Funds can help. If you are seeking lawsuit funding for a bus accident, we can […]

Medical Malpractice Injury Claims

Medical Malpractice Injury Claims

Medical malpractice injury claims are some of the most expensive cases to pursue. They also result in some of the largest personal injury settlements. At Fast Funds, we want you to be able to receive the full compensation that you deserve. However, we understand that when it comes to these types of cases, lawyers can […]

Injured in an Industrial Accident

Injured in an Industrial Accident

If you have been injured in an industrial accident, we would first like to extend our deepest sympathies. Because of the catastrophic nature of these types of accidents, you may be left severely injured and in serious financial straits. Luckily, you will most likely be eligible to seek compensation for an injury of this nature. […]

Slip and Fall Cash Advance

Slip and Fall Cash Advance

Slip and fall cases, otherwise known as premises liability, often result in litigation against a property owner, usually a convenience store or other type of business where wet floors are common. Because of the costs of your medical bills and litigation expenses, we at Fast Funds understand that you may be experiencing financial difficulties. We […]

Jones Act Injury Claims

Jones Act Injury Claims

Jones Act injury claims typically deal with maritime accidents and injuries suffered to workers at sea. We at Fast Funds understand the plight of having to support a family until your case is settled favorably. We offer settlement Jones Act cash advances. Such advances are based on the potential outcome. Unlike other pre-settlement funding sources, we do […]

Cash Advances for Construction Accidents

Cash Advances for Construction Accidents

Cash Advances for Construction Accidents | Third-Party Lawsuits Regardless of the details of most cases, you will be offered worker’s compensation for your injuries on the construction site. However, that is not the only avenue of financial relief for some people. If there was blatant negligence involved with the contractors or property owners, you could pursue a […]