Pre-Settlement Advances
Many states do not allow attorneys to make pre-settlement advances to clients, no matter how strong a case may be. Oftentimes, claimants require financial assistance prior to settlement or judgment. Because of burdensome financial obligations, many plaintiffs end up accepting low settlement offers. Today, claimants have another option with pre-settlement advances from Fast Funds! Whether you have a personal injury accident case, medical malpractice suit, or wrongful death claim, we offer pre-settlement advances that can help you wait out the legal process. With more than seven years of pre-settlement funding expertise, we carefully review each application and select those that are worthy of funding. Our legal expertise allows us to determine the proper amount that should be advanced to clients. The advance we make is 100 percent risk-free and no credit checks are required. You do not have to pay us back until your case settles. We do not charge interest on the advance nor do we charge any application costs or other fees. We simply buy a very small percentage of the anticipated proceeds of your lawsuit. If for some reason you do not win the case, you still get to keep the pre-settlement cash advance and owe us nothing. We encourage plaintiffs and their attorneys to contact us if an advance is needed to help the plaintiff through a difficult financial period.