Don’t Fail Your Funds

Don't Fail Your Funds

Don’t fail your funds and spend unnecessary amounts of money. Learn about lawsuit funding here, then contact us to get started on your claim.

Pre-Suit Funding

Don't Fail Your FundsWe got a call from a construction worker who fell off of scaffolding while working on a building. He was seriously injured and had not worked for months. He was facing a surgical procedure and was wondering how could support his family. He wanted to know if his attorney had not yet filed suit, if he could apply for a lawsuit cash advance. The simple answer is yes. The attorney does not have to have filed suit for you to get an advance on your claim.

Litigation and Pre-Settlement Funding

A guy was driving down the road in the outside lane and decided he needed to make a left-hand turn and cut in front of our client, causing our client to veer and hit the guardrail. Both cars ended up in the accident, and that other driver got the ticket for causing the accident. Our client was really injured and needed to know if there was a difference between pre-settlement funding and lawsuit funding. Generally speaking, there is no difference between the two. Lawsuit funding can be anything from a motor vehicle accident to a slip and fall. Pre-settlement funding just means that you have a lawsuit pending, so they’re one in the same. Call our office today if you are unsure of these terms or if you need more information.

Lawsuit Funding for Minors

Someone whose daughter was sitting in the back seat of a car that got T-boned called us and wanted to know if they could get a lawsuit cash advance on the daughter’s behalf. Unfortunately, minors are not able to enter into this type of financing, so we would not be able to help with an advance. However, if the parent has a claim, we can review the parent’s claim and see if we can help them with funding.

Funding for Medical Treatment

A client called us asking if they can use the money that we advance to them for medical treatment or surgery. You can use the money for whatever you wish, as long as it isn’t to bring on litigation.

Are you or a loved one involved in a personal injury lawsuit and have questions about receiving funding? Don’t fail your funds! Contact us for a free consultation or apply for lawsuit funding online.

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